with Wallasey Rotary Club
Wallasey Rotarians plant fruit trees at Fruit Routes Autisan orchards
John Earp from Wallasey Rotary planting apple trees at Fruit Routes Autisan Orchards
Two seasoned gardeners discuss the best way to plant bare root heritage apple trees
Wallasey Rotarian David Hyde checks the fruit tree is being planted deep enough
David Hyde says Fruit Routes broke my garden fork Matt
The girls get digging at Fruit Routes Autisan Orchards
Time for bacon sandwiches at Fruit Routes Autisan Orchards
Sarah getting bacon sandwiches ready for the fruit routes volunteers
The Merseyforest team stop by for bacon sandwiches at Fruit Routes Autisan Orchards
Back to work for the girls after bacon sandwiches
Ben  Greenaway from MerseyForest with Emily from Fruit Routes Autisan Orchards

Wallasey Rotarians get up and grow

When asked to lend a hand in the community or improving the environment, Rotarians are always eager to get involved. So when the email arrived from Fruit Routes asking for help to plant an orchard and fruit tree nursery, Rotarians John Earp and David Hyde quickly offered their services.

Arriving at the Edward Kemp Community Gardens in Ashville Road Birkenhead, Wirral, UK, the octogenarians quickly took to their role with gusto, forcing the younger volunteers to step up their game as they quickly dug holes and planted ten different varieties of apple trees in their new homes.

The pace was frantic as tree after tree was dropped in place to create an apple orchard and what will grow to become a striking boulevard of seasonal apple blossom and fruit as the trees mature.

Sadly one casualty was an old and reliable friend which snapped a spine during the digging. We speak of course about the trusty garden fork used by David Hyde and which had accompanied him on many an outing. It had finally dug it last sod and turned its last mound of earth after a lifetime of work. They just do not make them like they used to.

Over 200 apple trees were planted on the day, some of which will mature in a nursery before being planted out in the local community. Apple trees were also donated to local projects which will allow disabled children and schools to grow fruit in their own orchard. Others were planted into pots to be planted out by a local church.

At the end of the day the younger volunteers were nursing their aches and pains whilst the octogenarian stalwarts laboured on. Something must have been in the water when they were younger. These Octogenarian Rotarians are made of hardy stuff!

Volunteer and help out

If you want to get involved and help out at our orchards or an Autisans project we would love to hear from you. Individuals and community groups are all welcome even if you only have a little bit of time to spare.

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